Monday, September 24, 2007

Yosemite National Park, California

Just like the rest of them, this park was huge. Not as big as yellowstone, but still huge. You could pretty much drive an hour and a half in any direction and still not reach the borders. The good thing about this park, is that it's very accessible for bikes. There are very few places you can't ride, so it was nice to get out on the bike and get some long needed exercise. Unfortunately, because of the time of year I came, there was really no waterfalls to see, and mirror lake was dry. You really need to come in the spring when the snow melts to see the water falls, but I still had some spectacular views, here they are....
So, there you have 'em. It was a blast, well, the whole damn trip has been a blast, this has just been one great piece. next stop, Vegas. Until then.....

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