Monday, September 10, 2007

Denver to Moab

This drive was by far the best yet. The mountains of Colorado were absolutely amazing. Most of the pics I took were through my windshield as I drove, but they came out pretty good. I stopped at one overlook at the border of Colorado and Utah to take a few pics as well. They'll be much more to follow. I plan on riding slick rock tomorrow morning, and then going to the Arches national park in the afternoon, so i'll have some good stuff for you guys tomorrow night. Until then, heres a few pics from the drive today.....

So here is just a few pics. I gotta say, time flies when your having fun. I may not have enough time to stop at all the places I want to, but thats OK, theres always next year. Until next time....


Christopher Poisella said...

Dude this is way cool. Nice job. Looks like your having a good time.

Jess said...
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Jess said...

you'll also have a wedding to go to next year.