Monday, October 1, 2007

Amarillo, Texas

When I was walking around Roswell, One of the ladies in a shop I was in told me to stop in Amarillo and go to this specific steak house. She was right, this place was a trip. It has a 72 oz steak on the menu ( think john candy in the great outdoors) If you finish it along with the salad and potato it comes with, you get your meal for free. Now, I didn't attempt this feat, I just wanted to see the sheer size of this thing. It was pretty much a cow, minus the legs. But even though I didn't partake in such gluttony, This was one of the coolest places I was in all trip, and by FAR the best steak. Check it out....
This place was cool, it had a gift shop, the games you see in the picture and a few slots. It was a really neat place, and if your ever in amarillo, you have to check it out.

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