Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Geez Lodi, I wish I had your life......

If I had a dollar for each time someone said this too me in the past two weeks i'd be taking a limo across the country instead of a rental. " You get to do whatever you want, no responsibilities..blah blah" The fact is, is that I have plenty of responsibilities, I have just been careful in taking on the ones I want and leaving the ones i'm not ready for on the back burner. But there is another reason why and how I manage to live my life the way I do. I learned a long time ago that there is a huge difference between growing up, and growing out of touch. Out of touch with who you really are, and who you think you should be\try to be. I've never held any qualms with letting people know who I am. Take it or leave it, this is who your getting. This approach may not have worked in the corporate world very well, but fuck it, the corporate world sucks. I believe humans have an inherent need to feel like they have done something worthwhile with their time. How can one do that on a cube farm? I couldn't. I had a harder time walking into my old office, than I ever have walking into a burning building. There isn't a pro jersey i'd rather have my name on than the back of my bunker gear.

Part of me gets a little angry when people say things like that to me. " I wish I had your life." If you do, your doing something fundamentally wrong in yours. My life hasn't been all gravy all the time, and guess what, it won't be in the future either. But the time I have to do the things I want, I take maximum advantage of. So should you. You must have forgotten what it was that made you feel great. The things that made you forget about the world around you. Everyone has them, and everyone needs them. That's why they came up with vacations and strip clubs. If you can't find a way to make yourself happy, how the hell are you gonna make the people around you happy? Your wife, your kids, the people that rely on you to teach them, to love them, to help them. So, during my short tenure on this earth, I've come up with some ideas and ways that help me stay sane, and have a pretty damn good time as well.......
PLAY A SPORT...Whatever it is, do it. Basketball, touch football, tennis, who cares. As long as your body is still healthy, use it for what it was meant for.

RIDE A BIKE...The physical and mental gains are monumental. Plus, it's something that can bring the family together.

PLAY BALL IN THE HOUSE... Nothing will ever bring back the child in you like this favorite past time. Stop being so concerned with being a grown up, have a little fun for a change. ( on a side note, it's even more fun if something gets broken :) )

LET BYGONES BE BYGONES... This was a tough one for me, especially after the end of last summer. But hey, shit happens...roll with it.

LEARN TO COOK SOMETHING GOOD...and i'm not talking about boiling hotdogs. I mean something that the people around you would ask for the recipe. It tastes better than fast food, and will keep the gut in manageable condition.

SAVE A LIFE...whether you rescue an animal from a shelter, or give someone lifesaving CPR. It is the greatest gift you can give someone, and being able to do so is the greatest gift God will ever give you.

ALWAYS HAVE YOUR FRIENDS they say, the best nights in the lock up are the ones where your friend leans over and says " ya, but that was a shitload of fun, wasn't it??"

TRAVEL.. Contrary to popular belief, the earth can give you much more than just her precious resources.

That's it for now, i'll stop splitting the atom here. Now go do something other than reading this stupid blog.....


Christopher Poisella said...

Chris, I admire what you are doing and enjoyed the read. I firmly believe in what you said. Good luck and please do keep in touch during the trip. I will keep in touch with the blog.

Jim B. said...


Awesome that you're gonna see the US of A. Sounds like a great time see you when you get back brother, hopefully in one piece!

Jim B.

Christina said...

Chris -
It's been awhile since we've seen seen each other, but I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading your "blog".
We would love to see you when you get back to CT.
Enjoy the rest of your journey...

Mrs. A (now Mrs. H), aka