Saturday, August 4, 2007

Life's a journey, not a destination....

My senior year in high school, I was blessed to have two of the hottest roommates any guy could want. They were in their twenties, I was 16 and an emancipated minor. They had a little brother to watch out for, and I, well, we won't go there, but it involved crazy thoughts about crazy things in even crazier places. When I graduated, my roommates boyfriend asked to sign my year book. He was cool guy, except for the fact that he was nailing the girl I wished i was. And I was reminded of this fact, nightly, by the not-so-subtle knock of the headboard against my bedroom wall. What can I say, some days your the dog, some days your the hydrant.

Now, he and I weren't particularly great friends, frankly, I was surprised when he asked me to sign my yearbook. But what stuck out was the last line..." College truly epitomises the phrase, the journey is the reward.". The only thing he was wrong about, was only including college instead of all of life. I truly have had an exceptional existence on this earth. People that know me, might think i'm crazy for saying so, but it's probably the most truthful statement ever to leave my lips. I've done a few things i'm not particularly proud of, but so has everyone else. I've also been blessed to have been a part of some really great things.

So this is a start to another chapter. I'm finally taking a trip across the country i've talked about for all to long. I guess i should thank a guy I never met for inspiring me to "get out of my bubble". A guy named Matt Harding. You probably know him, the guy that danced around the world, then got stride gum to sponsor a second trip. If you haven't seen his video, your missing out. You can see it on . It's a cool vid and really makes you think twice about where you are and what you really want to do. Anyway, that's my intro, I'll post updates here about where I am and how much fun i'm having while the rest of you suckers schlep your asses back and forth to work. Thanks for calling and have a great day ( Thanks Skandia, that stinkin line is still burned in my head)

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